Corner Contact
Please reach out via email if you'd like to arrange for a complimentary consult to explore if your son or daughter might be a good fit for the Clifton Corner--I may not "have all the answers," but if not, I'll try my best to refer you to some valuable resources and offer a list of trusted referrals!
My private practice in now located in Scarsdale, New York, although support is also offered via Skype/FaceTime/Zoom, so please include your exact location, as that information is very helpful.
I'll get back to you as soon as possible, especially if you're an "old" student or client from days gone by, so just leave a thoughtful, respectful note. Please do not reach out by phone, even if you've been given that contact number from another professional: due to increased privacy, all unknown calls are now automatically screened by my provider, and your voicemail will most likely not be recorded or forwarded, and thus virtually lost. All conversations with present and potential clients must be scheduled in advance, via email correspondence.
Many thanks!
The Corner Calendar
{ Please Note: Only sessions with clients are visible--
Sandra' personal obligations and professional meetings are not shown. }

“If you hear a voice within you say you cannot paint, then by all means paint
and that voice will be silenced.”
― Vincent Van Gogh